For Immediate Release
June21, 2012 – Eden Prairie, MN –Controller Sensors LLC (“Controller Sensors”), a Delaware Limited Liability Company has announced the launch of a new company website. went live on June 15, 2012.
The new Controller Sensors’ website offers quick and easy access to product specifications and installation instructions. Customers can use our “Help Me Choose” product selection guide to assist in sourcing the correct product for their application. Users can also access application information related to HVAC and medical industries. The launch of is part of our continuous effort to enhance the quality and availability of the Controller Sensors’ product line and product information to OEM customers and distributors worldwide.
The website’s user-friendly nature provides more efficient access to Controller Sensors products.
Visit our NEW website at:
For additional information, please contact:
Terry M. Dauenhauer, President
+1 .952-942-8743 phone
+1 952-942-8753 fax