1-608-987-4500 or 1-608-987-4100
Products  >  Series 560 Wet-to-Wet Pressure Transducer

Series 560 Wet-to-Wet Pressure Transducer


Accuracy +/-0.5% FSO
Stability: +/-0.5% FSO/yr
Thermal Effects: +/-0.02% FSO/°c
Overpressure: 2 times FSP or 700PSI
whichever is less
FSO Pressure Range: 0/20psi up to 0/500PSI
Compensated Range: 10° to 50°C
Media: Any media, wet or dry, compatible with series 300 stainless steel
Operating Humidity: NEMA 4 levels with proper conduit connections
Operating Temp: -25° to 70°C
Input Supply**: 24VDC/24VAC
Supply Current:  <35mA
Load Resistance: 2KΩ minimum on voltage out, 700Ω, maximum loop resistance on 4-20mA
Output Signal: 0-5VDC, 0-10VDC or 4-20mA
Electrical Connections: Internal screw terminals
Pressure Connections: 1/8″ NPT Female
Enclosure: NEMA 4 enclosure
Dimensions: Approx. 5.12″ x 3.70″ x 2.25″ (13.00cm x 9.40cm x 5.72cm)

* Includes non-linearity hysteresis and non-repeatability at a fixed temperature

Package Drawing

How to Order

A typical order number consists of the model number, pressure range, pressure unit, output and mounting connection.

Model Type Output Signal FSO Pressure Range Calibration Pressure
560 D = Differential or Gage 0-5VDC 4…..20PSI to 50PSI Customer Designated exact FSO
0-10VDC 6…..50PSI to 100PSI
4-20mA 7…..100PSI to 500PSI

Example: 560D 4-20mA Cal Pressure = 0-30 PSI (Model number 560, differential type unit, output signal of 4-20mA, pressure range up to 500PSI, calibrated to 0-30PSI FSO).