1-608-987-4500 or 1-608-987-4100
Products  >   Series 860 Pressure Transducer  >   Instructions


Model 860 Transducer Installation

The Model 860 Pressure Transducer is a compact instrument for measuring and controlling the many different media that are compatible with our sensing element. Positive, negative, and differential pressures can be measured in ranges from 0-0.25” WC to 0-15 PSI with 4 standard outputs: 1-5 VDC, 1-6 VDC, 1-10 VDC and 4-20mA. Split ranges and custom outputs are also available.


1. Location- The model 860 pressure transducer should be placed in as clean, dry and vibration free a location as possible.

2. Pressure Connections- The 860 pressure transducer uses 2 barbed fittings for use with 1/8” ID vinyl or rubber tubing. Attach tubing from positive pressure or higher pressure source to port marked High (P1) and lower or negative pressure to opposite port (P2). Arrange tubing to minimize stress on connections. If possible, mount with ports facing down to aid in moisture drainage.

Note: When removing tubing care should be used to avoid breaking the ports. In some cases the tubing should be cut off, rather than pulled off, especially if stiff tubing is being used

3. Mounting- Attach the Model 860 Transducer to the mounting surface using 2 fasteners inserted through the two mounting holes located on either the side mounting flanges, or the holes at the top of the case. Do not overtighten.


All electrical connections to the 860 series transducer are made to the pluggable screw terminal block. The block is coded as follows. 1)+IN = Supply Positive, 2)COM = Common Supply & Signal Negative 3)+OUT = Signal Out(positive).

An external power supply delivering 12 – 24 VDC/24 VAC with a minimum of 10 mA (or 30mA for a 4-20mA output) is required to drive the unit. If using a 1-10VDC output, or a 4- 20mA output to drive a 500 ohm load, a minimum of 18 VDC/24AC is required.

CAUTION: Do not exceed specified supply voltage. Do not apply voltage to “+OUT” terminal as permanent damage will occur.


860 Series Pressure transducers with a 4-20mA current output can be easily adapted to controllers requiring 1-5 VDC input. Insert a 250 ohm resistor between the “+” and “-” controller input terminals. This will safely convert the 4-20mA signal to the desired voltage.


The offset of the 860 series transducer is factory set. If it should need adjustment upon arrival, the offset pot is located next to the ports on the end of the unit. With the transducer installed and no pressure applied place a meter in series with the supply negative (Ground), and the signal out. Turn offset adjusting pot to desired reading.


If any problems are encountered during installation please call the number below for assistance.

Call 1-800-735-8998